x-file2.zip       71334 ***   X-File 2 by Trilogy - TP96:in64:18: : GUS
x10dedf3.zip     696486 ***   X10ded by Jello - X96:demo:06:
xamen.zip        590525 ***   Xamen by Solid - TP96:demo:32:
xaos_f.zip       755138 ***+  Xaos by Mist - WIR96:demo:06:
xcursion.zip      56632 ****  Excursion by Vista Software - ABD96:in64:02:
xd-btl.zip        37202 **+   Beyond the Limit by Xeed
xes_air.zip       64267 ***+  Air by XES - ABD96:in64:03:
xl.zip            10211 [rip] Extended Light by Black Rainbow - FLAG96:in4k:??:
xlm_de.zip         8742 *+    Digital Entropy BBStro by Xylem
xlm_fire.zip       6778 [n/a] #coders fire compo entry by The Unlord of Xylem
xmas3.zip         92850 *+    XMas 3 by Rodent, Ravian, Hunz
xmess.zip         70331 ***   X-Mess by Sin - TP96:in64:15:
xrayman.zip       59184 ***   Xrayman by Crypton - JUH96A:in64:11:
xtac.zip          70066 *+    Xtac by Milton Moura