i_bomb.zip      1419557 ****  Bomb by Impact Studios - SAT96:demo:02:
iau-yaah.zip     106644 **    BBS Blue Nose Productions by Chiparus
iday.zip          64807 **    Independence Day by Dominetrix - TP96:in64:12: :
                              | SB
idx-thag.zip      70810 **+   Thunder Again by Index - FDG96:in64:03:
idx-thun.zip      63346 *     Thunder by Index - BP96:in80:??:
idx-toha.zip      57447 **+   Total Happiness by Index - FDG96:in64:07:
idxprxfr.zip      53873 **+   Friendship by Index, Proxima - FDG96:in64:04:
igloo_fl.zip    1075714 ***+  Flirt (final) by Igloo - SAT96:demo:04:
ign_desp.zip    1141061 ****  Despair by Iguana - EUS96:demo:01:
ike-otum.zip     348528 [n/a] Otomu-Uki by Maru-Ike
imuri.zip         48541 *+    Immuri by Captor - JUH96A:in64:XX:
ina-ecir.zip      53702 **+   E (In The Circle) by Interamnia - DML96:in80:05:
ina1200.zip       67228 ***   Nokia 1200 by Interamnia - DML96B:in64:04:
indigo.zip      1133084 ****  Indigo by Purple - TP95:demo:??:
inf_chnd.zip    1225741 ***+  ChunderChuk by INF - TG96:demo:03:
inf_love.zip      68875 ***+  The Ultimate Love Creation by INF -
                              | TSP96:in64:01:
inf_sati.zip      88570 ****  Mainstream 2 by INF - BP96:in80:04:
inferno_.zip      16401 **+   Inferno by Lord Matrix
infinite.zip    1243050 **    Infinite Dreams by DemonSoft - ANT96:demo:03:
innosta.zip       56098 +     Innostalgy by ELQ of Deadnex - TG96:infs:09:
insert.zip        34127 **    Insert by Interamnia - SKE96:in64:??:
inside.zip      2192909 ****+ Inside by CNCD - TG96:demo:01:
insidout.zip      64264 ***   Inside Out by Mandulax - SCE96:in64:04:
int19hfx.zip      92369 **+   Int 19h (bugfixed) by Demaniacs
int_fyoo.zip      57677 **+   Interrupt Internet by Fyoozhen - NAID96:in64:??:
intodark.zip     543099 ****  Into The Dark by Halcyon - DML96:demo:01:
intro3.zip        40414 ***   Intro 3 by Lunatic - JUH96A:in64:09:
io3_4k.zip        16251 [n/a] Intel Outside 3 4k Intro Compo Entries
io_hype.zip      314764 **+   Hype by Inner Option - TS96:demo:06:
is.zip            16014 +     Is by Azzrael - TP96:in64:20:
isitadrm.zip     240144 **    Is It A Dream by VA Design
ita-xmas.zip     794399 **    Christmas Sing-Along by Intra : 386,GUS/SB/PAS
itsari.zip       445063 **    Itsari by Itsari - WIR96:demo:10: