e.zip           1307642 ****  (E) by Zden, Moshe - WIR96:demo:05:
e9-fett.zip        4852 ****  Fettina by Magic of Ethos 9 - TP96:in4k:02:
e9-frame.zip      69394 ***   Frame by Ethos 9 - WIR96:in64:07:
e_demov2.zip     156464 [n/a] ?? by ?? - PRN96:demo:??:
e_magic.zip      446754 ***+  Magic by Eclipse - VOL96:demo:??:
e_teddy2.zip      73383 ***+  Teddybear's Revenge by Eclipse - SAT96:in64:01:
efc_fz.zip        71547 **+   FZ by Excessive Force - BIZ96:in64:05:
elf-drmf.zip    1913929 **+   Dream War by Elfsong
elf_why.zip     1578607 ***   Why? by Elfsong - I96:demo:01:
eli_rygg.zip     748975 *+    Trekant Med Eli Rygg by Old Fashion
elite.zip        281148 *     The Elite Demo by Intra
ellipse.zip        1619 **    Ellipse by Dmitry W. Kukushkin
ely-xpr.zip       13054 ***+  BBS The X-Press by Elyssis
embraced.zip      68767 **    Embraced by Circle of Tyrants - BIZ96:in64:07:
emerg.zip       1706922 ***   Emergency by The Surrounders - NAID96:demo:07:
emf_porn.zip      61490 ***+  Porno by EMF - JUH96A:in64:15:
emp_debu.zip      69205 **    Debut by Emperor - ANT96:in64:02:
emp_eoh.zip        2768 **    End of Holiday by Ates of Emperor -
                              | ANT96:in1k:??:
emp_fnal.zip    1177561 ***+  Empire (final) by TPOLM - TP96:demo:05: :
                              | 486,GUS/SB/PAS
enagi.zip        296144 *+    Enagi by Lost - SE96:demo:13:
end_anci.zip     719473 **    Ancient by The End
enter.zip         61947 *+    Enter by Merlin - REM96:in64:??:
entrance.zip     475354 ***+  Entrance by Sigmatic of Jello
est_pray.zip    2256733 ****  Pray by Esteem - MOV96:demo:01: :
                              | P5,GUS/SB/PAS,VESA
etlife.zip       987534 *     Eternal Life by Eternal - ENL96:demo:05:
euforia.zip      238760 **    Triology by Euforia - TP96:demo:18: : 386,SB,1MB
exc01.zip         77592 *     First release pack by Exclusive
excuse.zip       636403 **+   Excuse by YOE - MOV96:demo:04: : GUS/SB/PAS,VESA
exine.zip       1313593 ***+  Exine by Anarchy - VOL96:demo:??:
experien.zip     701688 **+   Experience by Virtual Illusions - ENL96:demo:04:
explora.zip     1545725 ***+  Explora by Bomb, Oxygene - SAT96B:demo:02:
exposure.zip     389325 **    Exposure by Bacteria - SCE96:demo:08: