c-astro.zip      135970 *+    Astrology by Corrupt
c-ngtive.zip      78728 ***+  Negative by Coral - ABD96:in64:08:
c-vision.zip      61170 ***   Vision by Coral - TP96:in64:21: : 486,GUS
c_void.zip      1304726 **+   Chaotic Void by Brainstorm Productions
caffeine.zip      56913 **    Caffeine by Warm Inside - WIR96:in64:06:
caleid.zip        12005 ****+ Caleidoscope by Byteam - SCE96:in4k:03:
call_a-.zip        9356 **    BBS Attityd Negativ by Mr Bananmos, Phlum-Dumb of
                              | The Real NERDS 'R' US : ,,Adlib,
calvin17.zip     107735 *     Happy Birthday Calvin by Proxima - BP96:demo:??:
campino.zip      893491 ***   Campino by Phoenix, Virtual Rage
cartoon.zip       63122 ***+  Cartoon by Mist - TG96:in64:02:
ce-xmas.zip       92722 *+    Xmas 96 by CuteElf : P5
certtest.zip     568727 **    Certified & Tested by Jezz - TP96:demo:29:
champ.zip         50187 **+   Son & Samba by TPOLM - SKE96:in64:??:
chaos.zip          9894 **    Chaos by Consub - MEK96:in4k:??:
chaosofl.zip       2864 **    Chaos Overflow by Rodex - ASM96:in4k:07:
chipari.zip       15234 **    Chiparitus by The Watcher of Fatal Vision -
                              | BIZ96:in4k:03:
chipipo.zip        3998 ****  BBS Intro by Chiparus
chrome2.zip        6606 ****  Chrome 2 by Tomcat of Abaddon - ASM96:in4k:05:
cinema.zip      1035423 ***+  Cinemania by Promise - SCE96:demo:03:
claustro.zip      63890 **    Claustrophobia by Hypnotize : 486,,GUS/SB,
clear.zip        305184 **    Clear Your Mind by Mooze
clx_nog.zip     2870053 ***   No Garden by Complex - SEN96:demo:??:
clx_rebe.zip    2650420 ****  Rebel (As Perceived) by Complex - SKE96:demo:04:
clx_wego.zip      79335 ***+  We Go by Complex - ASM96:in64:02:
clxsperm.zip      60347 ***+  Supermax by Complex - TG96:in64:03:
cma_a42.zip      974702 ***   Agent 42 by COMA - ABD96:demo:EE:
cma_ctr.zip     2518049 ***+  The Control by COMA - TG95:demo:02:
cma_dgst.zip     798496 ****  Disgust by Camorra - GP96:demo:01:
cma_gstb.zip      63753 ****  GU-Star (bugfixed) by Camorra
cma_gstr.zip      61626 ****  GU-Star by Camorra
cma_tomu.zip      86803 ****  Tomu by COMA - DML96:in80:01:
cmapaifx.zip     329487 ****  Paimen (english version) by COMA -
                              | JUH96A:demo:02:
cmapaim.zip      999976 ****  Paimem by COMA - JUH96A:demo:02:
cmatuhka.zip      75189 ****  Tuhka by COMA - DML96B:in64:03:
cmy-bird.zip      76212 *     Synd Pa Fuglemannen by Calamity
cmy-demo.zip     137319 *+    AU by Calamity - BP96:demo:??:
cneutral.zip     139048 ***+  Neutral by Coral - ASM96:in64:05:
cnx_hope.zip      63005 ***   Hopeless by Cronix - BIZ96:in64:03:
cob.zip           68615 ****  Cob by Nooon, Orange - SAT96B:in64:12:
coc_halo.zip    1674839 ****  Halo-The Illumination by Cobra Creations -
                              | ABD96:demo:03:
coc_muna.zip     490383 ****  Egg-O'Trip by Cobra Creations - DML96:demo:02:
cocktail.zip     721851 **+   Cocktail by Alien - NAID96:demo:09:
coco-nuz.zip    1392600 ***+  Coc'O Nuts by Cobra Creations - DML96B:demo:03:
coma_ash.zip      71626 ***   Ashes by COMA - TP96:in64:03:
comacore.zip    2798270 ***+  Washing Machine Encore by COMA - SKE96:demo:01:
comahomo.zip     580834 **+   Homo by COMA - SEN96:demo:03:
comawasm.zip    2679894 ***+  Washing Machine by COMA - ASM96:demo:XX:
combo.zip        126080 *+    Combo v1.1 by Light Blue
compile.zip      102124 *     Compile by Karg
compost.zip      952667 ***   Compost by Orange - TP96:demo:07:
coolnez.zip       71214 *+    Coolness Gets Around by The Crew -
                              | FLAG96:in64:02:
corrsive.zip    1864145 ****  Corrosive 3 by Exmortis
cosmlamu.zip      21384 *     Cosmo Lamu by PWP - DML96B:in64:05:
cosmos_.zip      489722 ***   Cosmos by Live
cotxmas.zip       50247 **    XMas Greetings by Circle of Tyrants : VGA,GUS
countach.zip      13199 ****  Countach by Dave of Byteam - ASM96:in4k:02:
cow.zip           57688 +     Cowmandu by Lupin of IMG
cp_pig.zip        42861 ***   Pig by Cool Productions - JUH96A:in64:06:
cp_pr.zip         59368 **    Power Rangers by Cool Productions -
                              | ASM96:in64:13:
craw_inf.zip     799842 ****  Infinity by Craw Productions - NAID96:demo:02:
craw_wto.zip     170359 **+   Window To Oblivion by Craw Productions
crawford.zip      61543 ***+  Station Crawford by Paragon - ASM96:in64:07:
creation.zip     603201 **    Creation by ZOB
critmass.zip       2251 **    Critical Mass by Lorenzo, Robymus, Dave -
                              | ANT96:in1k:??:
csa.zip           62979 ***+  Cosmic Space Arabi by TPOLM - TP96:in64:04:
csalsa.zip        68041 **    Chunky Salsa by Hoaxers - TG96:in64:11:
ctslrbfn.zip     179153 ****  Lasse Reinbong (final) by Cubic Team -
                              | TP95:in64:01:
ctslrw95.zip     124079 ****  Lasse Reinbong (re-release) by Cubic Team, $een :
                              | Win95
ctstoast.zip    1864334 ****+ Toasted (final) by Cubic Team, $een -
                              | ASM96:demo:02:
ctstst.zip      2287474 ****+ Toasted by Cubic Team, $een - ASM96:demo:02:
ctststfx.zip     285353 ****+ Toasted (bugfix) by Cubic Team, $een -
                              | ASM96:demo:02:
ctswhat.zip       70390 ****  What? by Cubic Team, $een - SE96:in64:02:
ctx_jafo.zip       8259 ***   Jafo by Cortex of Index - BP96:in4k:??:
cyber.zip         65544 ***+  Famous Cyber People by Pulse - WIR96:in64:02: