dandruff.zip      37763 ***+  Dandruff by YeTi - BP95:in64:07:
darkp.zip        423631 ***   Dark Purpose by The Surrounders - NAID95:demo:??:
ddgdonut.zip     648861 ***   Donitsi by Digitize Design Group
deadend.zip      351122 *+    Deadend by Mausis - TP95:demo:26:
deaparca.zip    1103553 **    Dea Parca by Underworld Corporation -
                              | ASM95:demo:??:
demfever.zip     500279 ***   Fever by Deus ex Machina - ASM95:demo:14:
democ.zip         58492 **    Democrators by Epigon - ASM95:in64:XX: :
                              | ,,GUS/SB/PAS,
detour.zip        61199 ****  Detour by Halcyon - ASM95:in64:05:
devsite.zip      649348 ***+  BBS Developer's Site by Waterlogic
dimensio.zip    1049773 ***+  Dimension by Realtech - TP94:demo:05:
distance.zip    1422501 [n/a] Distance by Radon - ASM95:demo:XX:
divine.zip        70505 **    Divine by Fatal Justice - BIZ95:in64:??:
divr_xtc.zip     410366 ***   Divergence by Xtatic
donut.zip          3387 ***   Donut by Sorrox - BP95:in4k:04:
donuts.zip        39857 ***   Donuts! by Strontium 90
dragon.zip        15187 ****  Dragon by T. Glasmachers - ASM95:in4k:08:
dream.zip       1381845 ****  Dream by Jamm - TP95:demo:02:
drift.zip         70941 ****+ Drift by Wild Light - ASM95:in64:01:
drinks.zip        18669 ***+  BBS $1 Drinks by Xtatic
ds_bliss.zip    2777824 ***+  Digital Bliss by DeathStar - TP95:demo:EE:
dst_bnw.zip      691626 ***   Black and White by Distorsion
dst_knk.zip      465792 ***   Avena Kinetik by Distorsion
dupe.zip         552231 *+    Dupe by Verhot - JUH95B:demo:14:
dxproj.zip      2430277 ****  DX Project by Realtech - ASM95:demo:03: