_________ __ _ ___ \ \/ / _________ ___ __( _/_______\_ /________ _____/ /__( _/_____ __ __ __\ ) / _/ \ _/ _/_ ) \/ / _\---\//_______________ \__________/___\___________\.______________\\---/_ | \ / | |_ e v o k e '9 8 \ / official r e s u l t s __ _| /______________________ \/ _______________________________________\/________\ | demo -----------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. "metropolis" kolor 137 pts. 2. "the iceberg" suburban 70 pts. 3. "baker selection" replay 37 pts. 4. "cosmic" magic dreams 28 pts. 5. "orthicon" sub97 22 pts. 6. "scoop" diabolic force 20 pts. "penaten 10 finger" lan ep-400 8. "dialogos 98 invitation" dialogos organizing 10 pts. 9. "lovemachine" image! 8 pts. 10. "blah! the demo" tum 6 pts. | wild -----------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. "freefall" exceed 65 pts. 2. "lerburger" maxx / cer 46 pts. 3. "mcevoke" salt / cer 36 pts. 4. "licht im triebwerk" eha / smash designs 17 pts. 5. "smack designs" mm, d6, hype / octlabs, zoro 15 pts. | multichannel ---------------------------------------------------------------| 1. "candy girl" a-move & velvet / tokyo dawn rec. 73 pts. 2. "sakura no ai" ryo-ohki / logic 51 pts. 3. "impressions" kritix / shock records 48 pts. 4. "viva & mtv" raytrayza / kolor 39 pts. 5. "purple cadillac" imode / exceed 36 pts. 6. "influence" kenet / ribbon 34 pts. 7. "303" eha / smash designs 25 pts. 8. "strange days" morph / shock records 22 pts. "costal violence" mentz / tokyo dawn rec. 10. "walkover" sound-runner / suspect records 21 pts. "skylight" ionized / cryogenic 12. "get the scissors" paniq / tokyo dawn rec. 11 pts. | vga ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. "meremaid" hellfire / haujobb 69 pts. 2. "liphilice" kenet / ribbon 49 pts. 3. "in love with louis lane" raul / amable 45 pts. 4. "shampoo" baloo / replay 27 pts. 5. "die personifizierte sachlichkeit..." acryl / scoopex, acme 19 pts. 6. "kings of the green screen" warpig / exceed 16 pts. 7. "escape to the dark planet" d.fox / digital overflow 12 pts. "bay 5" coctail, hawke / obnoxious, numb 9. "djihad" zihan 11 pts. 10. "badrulbudur mein herzchen" velvet / amable 10 pts. "evoke 98" root / obnoxiousd "nightfall" ken guru, hype / zero or one 13. "land of confusion" dreamdancer / raiders of the last empire 9 pts. "already 5 o'clock, james" xenon / zero or one 15. "sunflower" diver / tum 7 pts. 16. "miracle of love" amytur / magic dreams 5 pts. "windkraft" cp / singularity 18. "biaatch!" cyclops / quad 4 pts. 19. "wurststaender" kebby, syn / tlsds 3 pts. "ren (without stimpy)" jar / guilty of design "cheap dream" xtro / rhyme 22. "no title" goofy / amable 2 pts. 23. "gates for kanzler" deg 0 pts. "calmness" syntic / teklords, smash designs | 64k-intro ------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. "windans 98" macrosoft 44 pts. | 4channel -------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. "shame on us" deload / guilty of design 68 pts. 2. "48 hours" lord chaos / kolor 66 pts. 3. "kleine boese bong" xenon, a-move, velvet / the kool 57 pts. 4. "ch07" eha / smash designs 49 pts. 5. "industrial erotic" zippy, soundrunner / suspect records 46 pts. 6. "intergalactic" dipswitch / ddb, wx, 100%, dkb, crc 22 pts. 7. "mit dem schlagzeug die treppe runterfallen" kb, doj 19 pts. | ansi -----------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. "frau" avenger, dv8 / black maiden 131 pts. 2. "eeek, the art" zippy, black weasel / black maiden 81 pts. 3. "pansen 98" pandur / black maiden 74 pts. 4. "dizzy devil" marty underzero / nwo wolfpack, dreamcore 57 pts. | surprise handdrawn ---------------------------------------------------------| 1. junk / black maiden 35 pts. 2. deload 27 pts. 3. savage cow / cia 23 pts. 4. jar / guilty of design 19 pts. 5. unsigned (#5) 13 pts. 6. unsigned (#6) 12 pts. 7. raechengah / black maiden 11 pts. 8. unsigned (#12) 8 pts. 9. unsigned (#9) 7 pts. 10. mentz / tokyo dawn rec. 6 pts. deviate / black maiden 12. anonymous / kolor 4 pts. /____ ____\ (-------------------------------------------------------------------) @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ___ ___ __ _ ____ . _( _/__\__ \/ /_____ ____/ / ___ | \ ) / /_\ /| _/ _/_ _( _/____ /________\ //_______\_\______\\ ) / �-------- \/ ----------------- /_______\ | evoke nine eight - results . | | | september, 11th - 13th | | aachen / germany | |_ | /--------------------------(09/16/98)-| @END_FILE_ID.DIZ