There might be some discrepancies so there will be another version of this

file released.

Crash 1997 Official Results

All voting was done by public vote.

All qualification and disqualifications were decided by public vote.

These are the official results and are NOT subject to change!

This textfile was posted by Fysx and Seks of Xi (Crash 1997 Organizers).


4Ch Music Competition

1st Dead Tired                  - Nemesis / Cataclysm

2nd Running Late (Remix)        - Phaze

3rd 50hoursofsleepdeprivation   - Vastator / Net Generation

4th Hillbilly Techno            - Sp`ange & FoodTigerrr

5th Stretching the truth        - Cyclone


Multi-Channel Music Competition

1st Eden 8                      - Blue Max

2nd Above Destiny               - Cyclone

3rd Unseen Power                - Nemesis / Cataclysm

4th Goddamn!                    - Sp`ange

5th African Funk Tribe          - Vastator & Silver

5th Uralvolga Harsh             - Cthulu / Mistigris


256 byte intro

1st Sputnik                     - Fysx / Xi

2nd Scooter                     - Scooter

3rd Lameland                    - pWp

4th Chaos                       - Chaos

5th And_256                     - Andude / Guild


4Kb Intro Competition

1st I am Orange                 - Vector / Vertigo

This was a joke intro coded at the party place 10 minutes before the



Demo Competition

1st Nature                      - Vertigo

2nd Explosive                   - Satire

3rd 7 Deadly Sins               - Net Generation

4th Too Far                     - Scooter & Chaos

5th Blakmoon                    - Dolphin

6th No Signal                   - 10K Productions


Ansi Competition

1st Hf-crash                    - Happyfish / Mistigris

2nd Duck                        - Breakpoint

2nd Crashfin                    - Cide / Dark

3rd Happy                       - Hewitt

4th Goddamn                     - Sp`ange

5th Vasta                       - Vastator / Net Generation

All entries (excluding the 1st place entry) were created at the party place

10 minutes prior to this competition.  Vastator's entry was done entirely in

DOS edit.


Batch Demo Competition

1st Vasta                       - Vastator / Net Generation

2nd Fysx                        - Fysx / Xi

3rd A                           - Hewitt

4th Seks                        - Seks / Xi

5th Goddamn                     - Sp`ange

6th Blah                        - DW / Guild

This was a suprise competition.  All entries were coded at the party place

5 minutes prior to this competition.


Computer Graphic Art Competition

1st Hilltree                    - DW / Guild

2nd Createf                     - Box / Dark

3rd Shipd                       - Meson

4th Sea night                   - Incarnate / Guild

5th Stardest                    - Sylphin 

6th Stupid2                     - Vastator / Net Generation

6th Vision01                    - Algorythmic / Phase-4


Freehand Art Competition

1st Angel                       - Lakeee / Craw

2nd World2                      - Cide / Dark

3rd Sk-shirt                    - Silent Knight / Mistigris

4th Martian                     - Vastator / Net Generation

6th Spam                        - Raybondo / Guild


Wild Competition (Foam covered PVC Pipe-dueling)

Winner                          - Cthulu / Mistigris