____ .---[ nUMBER oF tHe bEASt ]----\ /-------. : \/ : /\_____/\__ __ /\_ ___/\____ /\_____/\____:___ __ ___ ___ \_ _ _/\ Y �\ \_ Y _/\___ �\\_ ___/\___ �\\__\\_\\ /. | �\/ | \/ _ �\/ _| // _/__/ _| / // | \ | \\ | \ \_ �\ | �\ \_ �\ __ ___ __ ___ // :.| \\:.l //:.| \\:l \\:l \\:| \\ \\_\\__\\____| //____ //___| //____ //____ //_| // � l___/ \/ l___/pr!de\/ \/ l___/ a | | b | /\_____/\______ /\____/\_ ___/\_____ | i s | \_ _ _/\_ ___/ \_ __/\_ Y _/\_ ___/ | m 0 whq | /. | �\/ __/ /.�\ / l �\/ _/__ | whq p l |// | \ �| // \ _ \ | �\| u u // :.l \\! | // :. \:.| \\:l \\ l t \_______ //__j \____ /__| //____ // s e | \/ \/ l___/ \/| e ! | | _____ ___ _� ___ /\____ /\_____/\_____/\_____/\____ | \\_\\__\\___ �\\_ ___/\_ _ _/\_ _ /\_ __/ | | /._| // _/__/ _| �\/ l\/\ / �\ | crimson � // \_ �\ | �\ \_ \___ \ \ � jihad � // : l \:l \\:| \\:l \\:. \\ �__ __ ___ ____ distro : \_______ /____ //_| //____ //__ ///__//_// : \/ \/ l___/ \/ \/ : : ____ : `---\ /--------[ +36-12914029 ]----------' \/ ____ .-[ aBS! wHQ^iMS wHQ^cJ dis ]--\ /-------. : \/ : - --( nODE: 3 )-- - � uPLOADED bY: lORD � | lOCATiON : -( aBS!^iMS^cJ | - --( bPS: 0 )-- - | | | DaTe: 22-Apr-96 TiMe: 19:37:31 | - --( FileSize: 8401 )-- - : ____ : `---\ /--------[ +36-12914029 ]----------' \/ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ------------------------------[ sCENESt'96]- Official results from Scenest'96 -------------------------------------------- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ SCEneST'96 - the official results - Held at 12.04.96-14.04.96 Budapest/Hungary Prizes: 550000 HUF (3800 USD) (including hardware, software & cash) Comment: sad thing is the lack of Amiga contributions ;( PC demo competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 532 2 Dive Neutron 2. 247 1 Alien Shock! 3. 189 5 Cinemania Promise 4. 187 7 Tumor Enlightenment 5. 184 4 Mosquito Faculty 6. 96 6 Shine The Mad Team 7. 92 3 Gy�k�r Frame18 8. 25 8 Exposure Bacteria PC 64K intro competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 624 4 Genia Remal 2. 333 3 Lite The Mad Team 3. 236 1 Paroxysm Exhumers 4. 227 2 Inside Out Mandula 4K intro competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 411 9 Maximum Reality MicroGenius/Unique PC 2. 204 6 Running Wild Hurricane 3. 141 2 Caleidoscope Blala/ByTeam 4. 140 5 Narcosis! Exact 5. 127 8 Mandala Rod/Mandula 6. 121 1 Fuck the PC Anorganic/Promise! 7. 102 3 Hurkalee Larry/CapaN�a! 8. 97 10 Panto Petros & Smokey 9. 80 7 Doom 3D Syg 10. 58 11 Vision Fefe/Breeze 11. 40 4 Radiance Mystery Arts PC 4K game competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 651 1 Disappear Larsen/Next Genaration Team 2. 505 2 Hit4M Bery/Mortal Compact 3. 178 3 Magic Lamps O.K./Unicorn Amiga demo competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 699 1 Wind! Frame18 Amiga 40K intro competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 419 3 Therapy was here Therapy 2. 322 4 Entropy Resolution 3. 306 2 Solarized Bi0Hazard 4. 230 1 Nipple's Chicks Promise! C64 demo competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 883 2 Ellenanyag Profik 2. 463 1 Television TRSI Multichannel music competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 270 13 X-tended sounds Deansdale/Shock! 2. 205 15 About a very short life Illegal/Remal 3. 166 3 Valley of innocence Minstrel/Fiction 4. 111 12 Bass in your face Cyber/Next Generation Team 5. 101 10 Chemical waste Hanx/Urinate! 6. 84 11 Spinster suite S.Roger/Neutron 7. 82 4 Szasza Szasza 8. 75 14 Forever love Netrunner/CDM 9. 72 6 Jewels Snotty/Faculty 10. 56 2 Land of the beholder TiB/Criminal Gang/UiT 11. 50 1 Rainy trip ATX/Shock! 12. 45 8 Simple hard one TiF/Silicon Brain 13. 44 5 The first rebel Rebel 14. 37 9 Such tea Slowhand & Clarance 15. 32 7 Don't panic! PTI/Dolops 4 channel music competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 220 8 Revival Snotty/Faculty 2. 191 4 Light juice party Sly Spy/United Force 3. 177 7 Happy man Python and Szasza 4. 146 6 Cyberneticorganism Floyd 5. 141 1 Back in Time Cortex/Trsi 6. 137 15 Sounds of Texas Anorganic/Promise! 7. 84 9 Kozmonaut! Gold Mc Green 8. 82 12 Limonade Nemechek/X-it! 9. 71 3 Ujaj Pat/Frame18 10. 69 10 Komp�t Codger/MicroPyle 11. 54 5 Private affairs Goa/Yucca Studio 12. 53 2 Waves of the sea Mr.Pixel/Impulse 13. 33 11 Public suicides Laky/Murmidones 14. 26 14 Forest of tears Hawk/Neutron 15. 11 13 Beep Bora Man/Neutron Beethoven competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 293 1 noname Paco/Dinasty 2. 145 12 noname Digital Pain/Dinasty 3. 89 8 noname Energie 4. 78 4 Donkeys sukk! ATX/Shock! 5. 70 5 noname Pat/Frame18 6. 45 3 noname Look 7. 44 6 noname Mr.Pixel/Impulse 7. 44 9 Cherry Deansdale/Shock! 9. 42 2 Mittomen... DFJ/Dinasty 10. 40 10 Beat 4 me Laky/Murmidones 11. 29 11 noname Syrinx 12. 23 7 noname Scooby/Orion Design Graphic competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 267 4 Tigerkidz Fat Cat 2. 246 9 Woman Ludwig/Therapy 3. 236 8 Angel Das/Shock! 4. 192 11 Eyeunivr Rack/Absolute!^Majic12 5. 161 12 Handless Ward/Enlightenment 6. 138 10 Ufo Jupiter/Bi0Hazard 7. 101 5 Klonko Nestor/Lal 8. 55 1 Guru meditation NRG 9. 48 3 Aki Pat/Frame18 10. 45 2 En Nat/Frame18 10. 45 6 Spitfire Scanner/Mystery Arts 12. 28 13 424 Raver/CDM 13. 27 14 Warzone Thomas 14. 25 7 Obermotz Dope/Neutron Raytrace competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 372 2 Whale Myracle/Immortals 2. 265 11 Room True/Shock! 3. 190 13 Belso Bogn�r D�nes 4. 161 3 Man on the moon Gabriel/United Force 5. 148 14 Best Csel�nyi Tam�s 6. 133 6 Fedor Fedor 7. 98 9 Cilence Anonymous 8. 58 1 Butterfly Anonymous 9. 54 10 Vista Warpig 10. 46 5 Dewconc Anonymous 11. 41 12 Zu Hauze KCI/Nosasoft 12. 32 8 City Le0n Sky/ByTeam 13. 29 4 Babylon Hamlet 14. 17 7 Drinks Kvazar C64 music competition: Place Point S# Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- 1. 351 6 Roy/RSC-RPL 2. 317 4 Taki/NB 3. 313 1 Angee/TRY C64 graphic competition: Place Point S# Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- 1. 501 4 Tyrant/TRY 2. 459 8 Olly/GRF 3. 194 7 Splash/RST Wild competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 485 3 Wasps Shock! 2. 306 1 Video demo Spaceballs-TRSI-Alcatraz 3. 218 2 Mosquito Faculty? 4. 61 4 Lamer intro Zoolook Lamer competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 554 8 X-rated Renegades 2. 511 10 Who the fun is Bill Gates? CaPaN�a 3. 150 9 L�ma Thomas & Morgan Production Fun competition: Place Group ----- ----------------------------------- 1. Controlled Dreams & Enlightenment Doom competition: Place Name ----- -------- 1. Tetris AD&D competition: Place Group ----- ------------------------ 1. Kiss Attila �s csapata take care and land on here _______________ _________________________________ ____ __ ________ .__) ____ ________ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (__. | _/ \______ _/ \_ /____/ _/ _/ \_ _/ \__/ _/ | ! / / / / \_/ / / / \ / _/__/ /___/ / / / _/ | /___/ / / /___/___/ /_______/__ / /___/ \______/ / | . /____\______/ /______\ \___/ 2F/(! /____\ ! | __ ____ ____ ______ ____ _____ __ | _/ /_ _/ / \__/ _/ \ /____/ _/ _____ _/ __/__/ /_ . | / _/__/ / _/__ / \ / _/__/ \/\__ / _/__ | |_ /__ / /___/ /__ / / /_______/__ / / \\_ / /__ / / _| )__ \___/ /____\ \___/ \___/_________\\___/ \___/ _( Hosted by: lORD/aBS!^cJ^iMS aBSoLuTe! wHQ ^ iMPuLSe wHQ ^ cRiMSOn jiHAd distro All foreign callers get dsbld! Call: +36-1-2914029 ------- - --------------( +36-1-2914029 )----------------- - -- ____ .-[ aBS! wHQ^iMS wHQ^cJ dis ]--\ /-------. : \/ : - --( nODE: 3 )-- - � uPLOADED bY: lORD � | lOCATiON : -( aBS!^iMS^cJ | - --( bPS: 0 )-- - | | | DaTe: 22-Apr-96 TiMe: 19:37:31 | - --( FileSize: 8401 )-- - : ____ : `---\ /--------[ +36-12914029 ]----------' \/ ------- - ------------( nUMBEr of tHe bEASt )--------------- - --