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          sCENESt'96 pARTY rEPORt
           by lORD / aBS!^iMS^cJ
     tHe vERY bESt hUNGARiAN pARTy eVEr
    And the most cheapest as well! READ!

                          Scenest'96 party report

                 by lORD / aBSOLUTe!^iMPULSe^cRiMSOnjiHAd

             Scenest'96: 12-14, april, 1996 - Budapest, Hungary
                 Organizers: Impulse (Amiga), Astroidea (PC)

 Some of you could ask what is Hungary? No, it's not a wild animal and
it is not the latest Ciccolina film either, but it's a small country in
middle-east Europe. And last weekend in a suburb of this state's capital,
a party was held once again (2nd time) in the last 100 years. Last year's
Scenest was also a big success (with 600 visitors - which was the biggest
hungarian party ever), but this year more than 900 ppl bought (or not)
ticket for it.
Hungary is a fairly cheap place, thus the entrance price was just 7 DM, too
(1.5 pizza at Symposium'96) The place itself was a school (or at least seemed
such place, before we went there)
Since i was (told to be) one of the organizers, i had to go there still on
friday. I couldn't do anything until 8 o'clock in the evening. Too many
PC lamer were hanging around and since i know just a few pc fan i rather
thought to discover the local area with some friends. But meanwhile some
austrians arrived. i realized Zinkfloid's (Uyanik!) face, too among them.
Since we had a great time still on Hammering'94 (ehh?), Zinkfloid needn't
had to persuade me to go downtown together. So, Beast/Majic12, Zinkfloid, and
me wanted to go downtown. but we could have gone 2 corners only, because we
noticed a sign say 'Guinness' and we couldn't pass by that place. So, we went
in. Soon, it became the official Scenest pub, because in 2 hours the place got
full of partyfreaks, and just after some of my hard boozer friends released
some disgusting stuff on the floor, all non-party freak left the place.
We stayed there until 2 o'clock or something. Then we 'walked' back to the
The sleeping places (because there were several) were really silent (no
rave concert nor snoring men - because my noise beated everbody)
I got up at 10, on saturday. i went with car (thx to Frame18 for the car)
for the guitarist of Akela (the no.1 hungarian metal band! Really proffesional
guy), because he and me! (laugh) planned a concert at noon. We picked up
Gyuszi (the guitarist) with all his equipment. The way there took 10 mins,
back 1 hour. I hate high-ways.
The concert delayed to 2 o'clock. We stuffed both guitar, but then the real
professional conceited studio faces, whose task was servicing the music and
sounds during the party, couldn't plug our Marshall amplifier to their
10000 DM equipment, so we should have played without guitar amplifier (the
same effect, if you plug your guitar to your home hifi system...simple suxx)
but then another prob. It was impossible to plug 2 guitars at the same time
there to sound as we wanted. So, Gyuszi and me had to play alone. First
Gyuszi didn't want to play * belive, he is very famous hungarian guitarist
and without equipment it would have been a big blame for him *, but i
persuaded him (redwine was the keyword) and he played half an hour at last.
Everybody was surprised how good he played, even big tekkno fans came in the
hall, and wondered what the hell is the music..... And then I turned.... 
i wanted to play classical songs (Bach, Carcassi, Sor etc.), but it was
impossible to mix classical (or at least lyric) guitar sound on the biiig
10000 DM equipment, so at last only 2 ppl left in the hall (Gyuszi and I)

Saturday afternoon: Nothing special. I brought my bbs there and everybody
                    made free hd leech.
evening: at 6 i met with the austrians again, and we joined up together to the
         official Scenest pub staff (Poko: are you Slayer? ;))
we had to leave the place at 9, because the compos started. To be honest
after the music compo, i don't remember anything, only, we left and went
Anyway, somehow, i found myself sunday morning in the sleepinghall.
Then before cleaning the place, i had to rush home for my brother's
birthday ;)

Summerized: the organizing of the party was no doubt very great (because
            i was in the staff, too) The prices were very low (e.g half DM
            for 4 dl coke, or 0.8 DM for a huuuge warm-sandwich),
            friendly security (after showing them what baseball-bat is)
            clean partyplace, no messing, clean lavatories, and nnt to forget:
            more than 900 visitors and about 16-17 foreigners, too

           I'm really looking forward occupying the Scenest pub again,
                            on the next Scenest'97.

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:            \          |~ |   ______    ___. ______/ ______  |
�   +36-|-29|-4o29      |! |\  |~ ___)  /   | |~  __)(_.  __) |   Date: 
.              \________|  | \_|! _)___/ :  |_|!__ \   |. |lNg| 18-Apr-96
:   nUP:since1879       !_____\!_____\/__|__;(______\  !__;   �
� sYsmAstEr:lORD \      :     �      ��     �   /   �     �   :   Time:
| � 960mb oNLiNE �\   aBs�lUte! wHQ ^ iMPuLSe wHQ ^ cJ distro : 15:25:10
|fASTEST iN HUNGARY\_________________________ /               �
`---aM�Ga--h^p--Dd--cULT-tHe-mAG-SUPPORt- -�2F�- -  -   ------' Day: Thursday  

   - ---( uPLOADEd bY: lORD       <> lOCATiON: -( aBS!^iMS^cJ 5 )--- -