____: _______ : | ___________/\ :____ ________ _______ :_________ _________ | ||| |/ / _/ \| | ._ \_ ___/___| ._ /// | | | / /. | \ | |/ / __/ / |/ _/__ | : |____\_____|____|___\ |________/__ \ /___/ / : �\____| �\_____/ �\_____/ ________:________: __________:________ _______ /\ :____ : / . | _ || ._ /| ._ \_ ___/____ \| | : | / |_ | _ | |/ _/__ |/ / __/ / \ | | |_____\\\_____/ |___/ |___/ /________/__ \ /___\ |||______| �\______| �\_____| �\______/ �zS!^lP� �\_____/ �\____| ..(( k i n d e r g a r d e n ' 9 8 )).. This is the _official_ results from Kindergarden'98. Please note that we do not have the results from the multichannel competition yet, these will be announced later at our WWW site. Also, we would like to apologise to Triumph and especially Duckhunter for a few errors during the prizecermony... Tired organizers have a tendency not to spot ties... :-P All releases will be available shortly on our FTP: ftp://ftp.kg.portveien.to/kg/ Place Entry Group/Handle Name Points Demo ==== 1 6 Contraz Retrospectacular 100 2 1 Spaceballs The Family Robot 70 3 5 Ephidrena Norsktoppen 3 Intro 28 4 4 Depth OnaNina 21 5 2 Apathy Baad Bwoy 5 6 3 Apathy Very Best Demo 4 Intro ===== 1 3 Spaceballs N2O 64 2 5 Contraz BrainBox 61 2 1 Triumph Kindergarden Intro 61 Hate ==== 1 1 Planet Jazz 48 Game ==== 1 1 Ludde & Co Race 38 2 2 Team Karbis Flur-S 30 4 Chn ===== 1 11 Cobolt69 C9H13N_PT.2 35 2 20 Pinocchio Jutta 29 3 5 Muffin D-flight 23 3 6 Duckhunter Golden Shackles 23 5 8 Frequent Purple Ajah 21 6 21 Timmy Just like that 16 7 3 Zixaq Grandma goes Goa 14 7 12 Isaac Environment Mirrors 14 9 9 Tentacle En fin gitar og et r�tt p. 13 10 19 Team Karbis Pissemaur 9 11 4 Tecon Global Trash'98 8 11 17 Surreal Jizendu 8 13 1 Dj Hasj Green Triangle 7 13 15 Kure4Kancer&TFT Aromator 7 15 13 Cheetah Aladdins Lommelykt 6 16 18 Dr.Sound Hypnotic 5 17 2 Rebb & Punisher Traffic Jam 4 18 7 Stoney Popeye Punk 3 19 16 Filuu Wo Bist Dum 2 20 10 Dj.Monthy X-Pand 0 20 14 Optic Delerium 0 Multichannel ============ 1 3 Frequent Radiumhospitalet 29 2 9 Gainx Save the rainforest 26 3 15 <not avail yet> 18 4 11 Optic Fluidity 16 5 6 <not avail yet> 14 6 5 Loaderror Beret-L�pet 10 6 14 <not avail yet> 10 8 10 <not avail yet> 7 9 2 <not avail yet> 6 9 12 <not avail yet> 6 11 13 <not avail yet> 5 12 1 <not avail yet> 3 12 4 <not avail yet> 3 14 8 <not avail yet> 2 15 7 <not avail yet> 0 16 16 <not avail yet> 0 Gabber ====== 1 1 Frequent Formater hardisken 31 2 3 Stoney Ond gravemaskin 21 3 2 Dj. Snag Dexters Gabboratory 18 4 6 Pinocchio 15 5 5 Tecon Garaber 8 6 4 Team Karbis Gun.Smoke 7 Graphics Animation ================== 1 1 Isaac Mbafa-Giraffen 36 Graphics Handdrawn ================== 1 6 Cheetah Brainlights? 62 2 5 Optic It came from Planet Jazz 47 3 7 Enok (@)-what 34 4 1 Stoney Gla'ku 8 4 3 Tech Mon-Go Delux Edition 8 4 4 Veslepus Garfield 8 7 2 Matarazzo Moonlights 4 8 8 Dran The Bridge to Nowhere 3 9 9 Stoney Some cows are pink 2 Graphics Raytraced ================== 1 1 Ford Fairline Wood George 37 2 3 Flash Gordon Lego 27 3 2 Flash Gordon Superteddy 17 Ascii ===== 1 3 Cyberstarr SASCII 28 2 2 Speed Devil Contraz 26 3 1 Aztec Myriad 22 Wild ==== 1 2 Isaac Utekveld p� Kvalmen 48 2 3 Flash Gordon Wildcompo 23 3 1 Team Karbis Ikke Bare Rabarbra 19 @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _________ ___\ /___________ .-/ / / _ \------------------. | \___\ \_____ / KinderGarden '98 | `------\_______\-/____�j!/-------------------' .--------------------------------------------. | K I N D E R G A R D E N ' 9 8 | | Official Results from Competitions! | `--------------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ